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Breast cancer is the most frequent malignant disease in women in the Russian Federation. To reduce the mortality from breast cancer, various measures were used, of which mammographic screening proved its effectiveness. In recent decades, the active process of informatization of health care system in the Russian Federation has predetermined the need to introduce various information systems, including in the screening processes. Thus, on the basis of Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Radiology of the federal state budget institution «National Research Center of Oncology N.N.Blokhin» the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation it was developed a system SDRR-MS (System Description, Recommendations and Reporting of Mammography Screening), which can be used both in screening and in diagnostic processes. The system focused on educational process and standardization of a routine practice of radiologists and X-ray technicians in the breast examination. The system allows to unite an unlimited number of hospitals, while standardization processes are realized by means of a formalized description protocol, elaborated on the basis of the existing international standard BI-RADS. This article is focused on one of system component, intended for the description of x-ray breast examination. 



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Aim: was to estimate the diagnostic value of MRI (qualitative and tumor size analysis) in the evaluation of preoperative chemotherapy in patients with soft tissue sarcomas on different stages of examination.

Material and methods: we analyzed data of 74 patients with soft tissue sarcomas. All patients underwent MRI. Patients were examined before, in the middle and at the end of the course of the preoperative chemotherapy

Results: the sensitivity (predilection of Grade III-IV pathologic response) of qualitative MRI signs in the middle of the neoadjuvant chemotherapy (after 2-3 cycles) was 73%, the specificity (predilection of Grade I-II pathologic response) was 88%; 69% and 100% for maximum tumor size evaluation, correspondingly At the end of the preoperative treatment, values of the sensitivity and specificity of qualitative MRI signs decreased to 50% and 78%, respectively, the sensitivity of maximum tumor size estimation decreased to 31%, while specificity remained the same -100%.

Conclusion: MRI with qualitative and tumor size analysis is an informative method in assessment of preoperative chemotherapy of soft tissue sarcomas.



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